Biodynamic Craniosacral Introductory Seminars

Biodynamic Craniosacral Basics Seminars

Deepening into the
basics of the Biodynamic approach to Craniosacral Therapy

Body of Wonder presents two choices for basic to Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Seminars. Breath of Life and Relationship and The Tides and Being. These seminars can serve as an introduction for people to get a sense and taste of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy. They can also be useful for practitioners to revisit and deepen the basic foundations of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy. They are also for anyone interested in self-growth and practitioners such as acupuncturists, doctors, nurses, massage therapists and bodyworkers who wish to use the principles and approaches in the seminars to enhance their own practice.

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Breath of Life & Relationship

In this 4-day Introduction to Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, the emphasis is on procuring a relationship with the Breath of Life and then developing the relational and touch skills to work with others. We explore Dr. Sutherland's experiences and teachings about the Breath of Life, the shaping of the Biodynamic approach to Craniosacral Therapy to what it is today. We then explore the emergence of the Breath of Life as Primary Respiration that can be experienced as tidal expressions permeating life, our own bodies and that of clients.

AUGUST, 2023

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The Tides & Being

In this enrichment and refresher seminar, we spend time growing awareness, perception and understanding of Dynamic Stillness, Long Tide and Mid Tide. Deepen and develop practitioner capacities for sensitive touch, as well as the many perceptual abilities available to us in our approach as practitioners of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy.

JULY, 20223

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