Continuum Classes and Workshops

Continuum Classes & Workshops

What we call life is an emergent creative process

Why is there life on earth?

There may not be an answer, rather than a question to live into. A tangible reason is the presence and gift of water. Our bodies are between 65%-80% water, we are a walking ocean. We can connect with our natural fluid intelligence by using sound, breath and deep listening to our own inner stirrings or intrinsic movements. We can see that Nature creates by using vibration, spirals, waves, and pulsation. The waters of the earth also flow in this way. It could be said that the “language” of life is movement. 

Engaging in Continuum helps develop deeper focus, flexibility to meet different circumstances and self-awareness as a whole bodily knowing. It is a gentle and supportive way to foster creativity and self-care for anyone, from athletes, artists, practitioners, to people with most forms of health issues. With Continuum anyone can participate, it does not need a developed physical prowess or fitness.

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Continuum & Somatic Movement Workshop Schedule 2023
Announced soon!

2023 Workshop Schedule 

Continuum Fall-Winter Class Series

ResizeThe Flow of the Midline
  Continuum Classes & Workshops Online 

Explore the natural fluidity and flow of the midline. Our spines are not a static event, they are a moving wave of connectivity, an entry way into inhabiting a fluid and resilient response to life. In Continuum participants use breath, sound and movement to awaken a broader range of sensory participation and embodied experience with life. Movement is nourishment and medicine in this gentle approach to self care.

This class explores the interconnection between our own bodies and the larger oceanic stirrings of life. Through breath, sound, movement and imagination we broaden our experience and find new ways of being and relating through the wisdom of water.

DATES: Saturday Evening 


Time: Wednesday’s 6 PM – 9 PM                                                  

A link will be sent via email to access the series online. 

FEE: $45 for class 
Pre-registration is preferred.

The choreography of eternity knows no boundaries ~ in the fluids love becomes manifest.


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