Our guest on this episode is Prue Jeffries. She is a former ASP world tour surfer who spent two decades traveling the world on the ASP Tour (now known as the WSL (World Surf League). She is a published writer, editorial consultant, founder of a women’s clothing company, brand ambassador, event producer, and filmmaker.
Prue now spends her time surfing for the sheer pleasure of it and practicing holistic healing for others. She is deeply passionate about the transformative potential of nature and art. Prue is our guest for this episode. We hope you enjoy!
For more information you can go to www.bodyofwonder.com or follow her on instagram @surftheflow
The Swell Season Podcast is recorded by The NewsStand Studio at Rockefeller Center in the heart of Manhattan and is distributed by The Swell Season Surf Radio Network. www.swellseasonsurfradio.com
Saltwater High Podcast with Derek Dodds
Prue Jeffries of Body of Wonder and Surf the Flow is a Craniosacral Teacher and Therapist, Continuum Teacher, Certified Massage Therapist, Registered Somatic Movement Educator, and founder of Naio (formerly called Flow Awareness)
Prue has always been a water person and explorer. She is a pioneer of women’s surfing with 15 years on the ASP World Championship Tour, now known as WSL, co-founded a women’s clothing line, was a writer and editorial consultant, and is now an avid nature photographer. She is also Creative Director for Watermark Arts, a somatic informed artistic endeavor.
Water, waveforms, and movement have been her life. Surfing is a spiritual, natural, and artistic endeavor that informs her deeply. She weaves experiential learning from nature and her body with the study of well-being, spiritual and somatic approaches for wholeness.
Right now, her focus is on the embodied knowing of ourselves as water and as nature—how that translates into the water being not only a metaphor but a conveyer for interconnection—shifting people’s capacity to be more humane towards life and nature and protect and regenerate our planet.
Wave Tribe’s mission is to create a symbiotic relationship between sport and planet. In our journey we invite like-minded surfers to envision a wave that is clean, clear, plastic free and that mirrors a society of people who recognize the intrinsic beauty of nature and the significance of doing the right thing.
Interview with Naomi Olsen from The Sea is Medicine Podcast
“Listen as Prue takes us on an adventure…traveling all over the world as a young pro surfer to working holistically in the ‘field’.
Mindbody Radio Online

Interview with Prue Jeffries on Mindbody Radio Online – Daily Show – October 2019