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The Breath of Life & Relationship

Overview of The Breath of Life and Relationship

An Introduction to Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy

Seminar Summary

The Breath of Life and Relationship is a Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy introductory seminar. Craniosacral Biodynamics is based on the originator of osteopathy in the cranial field Dr. William Garner Sutherlands’ work, which was then enriched by Osteopath Dr. Rollin Becker. In the 1980’s a Craniosacral Therapy model was developed by Dr. John Upledger for manual therapists based on Osteopathic biomechanical principals. The Biodynamic approach to Craniosacral Therapy model was by Franklyn Sills, Claire Dolby, and many others. It has been further informed by therapeutic trauma approaches, advances in neurobiology, prenatal, perinatal psychology and more as an evolving therapy today. In this seminar, we learn about the origins and development of the Biodynamic Approach to Craniosacral Therapy and are introduced to the theories and embodied experience of The Breath of Life, the Tides, Practitioner Fulcrums, the Relational Model and how this applies in developing a practice as a health care practitioner.


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Seminar Dates


Seminar Location

In-person Online

Seminar Fee



Seminar Objective

On completion of the seminar, participants will summarize and relay the philosophical basis of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy. A capacity to demonstrate settling into practitioner fulcrums, as well as negotiate and establish a relational field for working with clients will be developed. Participants will grow a sensory capacity for the Tides and be able to describe them. This seminar will lay the basic preparation and groundwork for entering the Foundation Training Program.

Seminar Type

A  35-hour in-person seminar blended between online and in-person, supported by self -paced home study through additional hours of reading, experiential exercise, personal practice, and online portal lessons and materials.

**Seminar In-person is replaced with webinar structure during Covid-19 Pandemic. There may be a hands-on make-up opportunity in the future for those wanting to enter the Foundation Training in 2023-24.

Seminar Format

Body of Wonder Seminars are designed with layers of experience and learning opportunities in mind. The intention is to support people sensing, feeling and becoming deeply connected with the work.

~ The Breath of Life and Relationship Seminar consists of 8 Topics.

Seminar Topics


  • Topic 1. The History and Philosophy of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy

  • Topic 2. Practitioner Fulcrums, Wholeness, and Breath of Life.

  • Topic 3. The Relational Field – Creating & Maintaining a Safe Relationship

  • Topic 4. The Relational Field & The Ethics of Relationship

  • Topic 5. Primary Respiration and Overview of Craniosacral System

  • Topic 6. The Inherent Treatment Plan & the Five Neutrals

  • Topic 7. The Tides 

  • Topic 8. Sensing and Supporting 

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Seminar Outcome

Participants will start to develop a capacity for the following:

  • Describe the history and philosophy of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy.
  • Understand practitioner fulcrums and develop capacity for settling into them.
  • Orientate and develop a relationship with Stillness.
  • Develop a sense of fluidity in oneself.
  • Negotiate, invite and establish a safe relational field with clients.
  • Discuss, value and illustrate the ethics of the practitioner-client relationship.
  • Name and demonstrate the three stages of a client session.
  • Discuss and notice Primary Respiration.
  • Describe and sense the Cranial Sacral System.
  • Describe and recognize the Inherent Treatment Plan.
  • Name, describe, and recognize the Tides in self and clients.
  • Recognize and sense Holistic Shift.
  • Develop practitioner listening, palpation, perceptual and verbal skills.
  • Describe, notice, name and support shutdown, shock and trauma.
  • Discuss and observe biodynamic shapes, Health, and fulcrums.
  • Describe and observe biokinetic shapes and vectors.

Seminar Pre-requisites

There are no pre-requisites for this seminar. Some prior knowledge of anatomy or exprience in working with people could be helpful.


Seminar Fees

Seminar Fee is normally $800.00 

Payable via cash, check, or credit card.

Additional Information

Handouts will be provided as well as recordings of online presentations.

There will be additional readings and book purchase or borrowing suggestions for the seminar. The reading list will be provided on signing up.

You will be asked to take a Covid Test day of, and not attend if you have viral symptoms.

In-person seminars please bring your own massage tables, bolsters, sheets, and blankets. Bring a notebook and pens for taking notes or equivalent.

Please be aware of personal hygiene, dress in comfortable clothing and bring your own food, and snacks.

In-person online seminars – you will need a computer with access to the internet and a quiet space.

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