Advance classes, workshops, primers and retreats in Craniosacral Biodynamics are offered for Craniosacral Therapists. The 700-hour training program for craniosacral therapists covers foundational concepts and skills for becoming a Biodynamic oriented Craniosacral Therapist. The advanced offerings are deeper study topics that can support Craniosacral therapists growing practice. Topics often include new discoveries in science and the application of them for Craniosacral therapists from a Biodynamic approach.
2023 Advance Craniosacral Therapy Training
Advanced In-Person Retreat 2023
The Heart of Flow
Sonoma, California
Retreat in a
Beautiful Lakeside Setting
Thursday, October 5th – 3-6 PM
Friday, October 6th – 10 AM – 6 PM
Saturday, October 7th – 10 AM – 6 PM
Sunday, October 8th – 9:30 AM – 1:30 PM
$375 – $435 per person
The Heart of Flow is an experiential immersive retreat for Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapists. Located on a private and peaceful lake frontage surrounded by a grove of olive trees. Explore the profound connections between the heart, the body and the natural world.
Delve deep into evolutionary biology of the heart. Billions of years ago, our hearts started to form through the ubiquity of vortex rings in nature. Today they continue their role in the ongoing function of the heart. You will gain valuable and unique insights into the body’s capacity for transformation and adaptation.
Discover the importance of vasomotion. The rhythmic oscillations of blood vessels that regulate circulation. Learn how vasomotion influences the body’s self-regulating mechanisms. Its role in maintaining health. This knowledge will enhance your therapeutic orientation. Insights gained will support your clients’ wellbeing.
Deepen into your relationship with your heart. There will be opportunities to explore somatic movement practices such as Continuum. Connect to the innate wisdom of your body. Foster a deeper felt-sense experience of the Heart. Learn how this enhances your capacity as a practitioner.
From personal exploration to inter-personal. Connect with the Breath of life and share Biodynamic Craniosacral sessions with colleagues. Various orientations to support clients with the hearts many layers and to integrate topics will be shared.
Can transpersonal experiences foster a sense of unity and interconnectedness with all life? Transpersonal space, its significance in the healing process; and the relational field as sacred space will be discussed. Deepen your understanding of transpersonal experiences so you can support your client’s encounters with the Breath of Life. Exploring the heart will illuminate its profound role in physical, emotional, spiritual and planetary well-being
Immerse yourself in a supportive and nurturing environment. Renew your sense of self. Foster a deeper connection to your body. Enjoy a greater understanding of your place in the evolutionary tapestry of life.
The retreat offers a comprehensive exploration of the heart and its role in healing and wellbeing. By integrating biodynamic principles and practices, you will learn to work with the heart’s wisdom, resilience, and energetic qualities. Skills learned will enable you to create a safe and nurturing space for your clients to access their heart’s healing potential.
Advanced Online Primers for 2023
Body of Wonder Somatic Education Seminars offers the following Advanced Primers in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy for Craniosacral Therapists in 2023-2024. Each Primer is delivered online and provides a mix of didactic and experiential for embodied application. The seminars are recorded and available for 12-months for participants. Participants can choose to attend live or by accessing the recordings at any time. The style of attendance affects what C.E’s may be available for relevant C.E bodies.
The Glymphatics of the CNS, a Biodynamic Orientation
The Heart: Presence, Interdependence & Circulation
Listening to the Gut: Visceral Biodynamics and the Primal Brain
The Interwoven Vagus: Responding to Life
Advanced Primer
Listening to the Gut:
Visceral Biodynamics for the Primal Brain
JUNE 24th & JUNE 25th, 2023
Saturday June 24th
2 -6 PM Pacific Standard Time
Sunday June 25th
2 – 6 PM Pacific Standard Time
Recordings will be made available for participants
for 12 months.
Advanced Primer
The Interwoven Vagus: Responding to Life
AUGUST 5th & August 6th, 2023 2PM-6PM PST
Saturday August 5th
2 -6 PM Pacific Standard Time
Sunday August 6th
2 – 6 PM Pacific Standard Time
Recordings will be made available for participants
for 12 months.
Advanced Primer
Glymphatics of the CNS, a Biodynamic Orientation
November 30th, December 1st, 2nd & 3rd, 2023
Saturday December 2nd & Sunday December 3rd
1 – 5 PM Pacific Standard Time
Advanced Primer
The Heart: Presence, Interdependence & Circulation
April 29th & 30th, 2023