The growth of an organism rides on a pattern of waves


The growth of an organism rides on a pattern of waves

“Study shows ripples across a newly fertilized egg are similar to other systems, from ocean and atmospheric circulations to quantum fluids.”

Body of Wonder explores the bodily knowing that the expression of life is essentially waveform that we can deeply connect with. Waves swirling, vibrating, rippling and coalescing into form. From the tiniest subatomic particles to egg cells, to flowers to oceans to galaxies – all is orchestration and flow. There is a level of organization that can be experienced that is kaleidoscope-like. 

A newly-released MIT study “The growth of an organism rides on a pattern of waves is looking at Starfish eggs (shown in image above) and shows an amazing process that illustrates this understanding through the lens of science.

In each egg, the team introduced a protein to mimic the onset of fertilization, and recorded the pattern of waves that rippled across their surfaces in response. They observed that each wave emerged in a spiral pattern, and that multiple spirals whirled across an egg’s surface at a time. Some spirals spontaneously appeared and swirled away in opposite directions, while others collided head-on and immediately disappeared.

“The behavior of these swirling waves, the researchers realized, is similar to the waves generated in other, seemingly unrelated systems, such as the vortices in quantum fluids, the circulations in the atmosphere and oceans, and the electrical signals that propagate through the heart and brain.

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