Listening to the Gut

Listening to the Gut: Visceral Biodynamics for the Primal Brain

Advanced Primer

Listening to the Gut:
Visceral Biodynamics for the Primal Brain


Saturday June 24th, 2023

2PM-6PM Pacific Standard Time

Sunday June 25th, 2023

2PM–6PM Pacific Standard Time


FEE: $175.00

Recordings will be made available for participants for 12 months.

Visceral Biodynamics

Seminar Summary

“Listening to the Gut: Visceral Biodynamics for the Primal Brain,” explores the fascinating world of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST) and its profound connection to gut health. This immersive class delves into the intricate interplay of vasomotion, visceral immunology, enteric nervous system, and evolutionary biology within the realm of BCST, offering valuable insights and practical skills to enhance your practice.

In this seminar, you will delve into the fundamentals of vasomotion and its impact on gut health. Learn techniques to facilitate healthy vasomotion during BCST sessions and gain a deep understanding of how impaired vasomotion can affect gut function. Develop hands-on skills through experiential exercises that will empower you to enhance visceral biodynamics and promote overall well-being.

Discover the dynamic relationship between visceral immunology, the gut, heart and brain. Gain comprehensive insights into the gut’s immune system and its role in health. Explore orientations to support the gut through BCST, enabling you to have a working knowledge to support the impact of emotions, stress, and trauma on gut and therefore bodily health.

The enteric nervous system (ENS), has been known as the “second brain,” this seminar looks at the gut as the “primal brain” and will be a focal point of this seminar. Understand the role of the ENS in gut function and communication with the brain. Learn techniques to enhance the health and function of the ENS through BCST, tapping into the gut’s innate wisdom and promoting profound healing experiences for your clients.

Lastly, this seminar embraces an evolutionary perspective on gut health. Explore the historical development of the gut-brain connection and its implications for human survival and adaptation. Incorporate evolutionary insights into your BCST practice, adapting techniques to promote optimal gut health based on evolutionary biology, and unlock the full potential of listening to the gut.

Join “Listening to the Gut: Visceral Biodynamics of the Primal Brain” seminar and explore the role of BCST in promoting gut health and overall well-being. Acquire practical skills, deepen your understanding, and supporting your practice in craniosacral therapy.


Seminar Objective

The objective of the “Listening to the Gut: Visceral Biodynamics for the Primal Brain” seminar is to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the intricate relationship between gut health and Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST). Over the course of 8 hours, participants will explore the essential components of vasomotion, visceral immunology, enteric nervous system, and evolutionary biology within the context of BCST. By the end of the seminar, participants will have gained knowledge and practical skills to effectively listen to the gut, optimize visceral biodynamics, and integrate evolutionary insights, ultimately enhancing their ability to support holistic well-being for their clients.

Seminar Type

A  8-hour online in-person seminar. Synchronous and Asynchronous options. Complete recordings of the live seminar will be available for 12-months from seminar completion. 

Seminar Format

Body of Wonder Seminars are designed with layers of experience and learning opportunities in mind. The intention is to support people sensing, feeling and becoming deeply connected with the work. This seminar combines didactic with experiential practices.

Seminar Topics

“Listening to the Gut: Visceral Biodynamics for the Primal Brain” consists of the following core topics that are built upon with further sub-topics.  

  1. Exploring the Primal Brain 

  2. Vasomotion and Gut Health

  3. Visceral Immunology and Enteric Nervous System

  4. Evolution of Gut Health

Seminar Outcome

Listening to the Gut

After completing the seminar, participants will have acquired skills and knowledge to enhance their practice of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST) in relation to gut health. Here are six key points and learned skills from the seminar:

  1. Understanding Vasomotion: Participants will have a deep understanding of vasomotion and its significance for overall bodily function.

  2. Describe Visceral Immunology: Participants will be equipped with knowledge of the gut’s immune system and its connection to health They will have learned Biodynamic Orientations to support the gut-heart-brain connection, addressing the impact of emotions, stress, and trauma on gut health.

  3. Working with the Enteric Nervous System (ENS): Participants will have gained insights into the enteric nervous system (ENS) and its role in gut function and communication with the heat and brain.

  4. Applying Evolutionary Insights from the Primal Brain: Participants will have explored the evolutionary aspects of gut health and its implications in BCST. They will have learned to integrate evolutionary perspectives into their practice, adapting Biodynamic orientation for gut health based on evolutionary biology.

  5. Deepening Palpation and Perception: Participants will have honed their palpation skills, gaining a heightened ability to sense and assess visceral structures. They will have learned to listen to the gut through palpation and perception, identifying imbalances and promoting healing in their BCST sessions.

  6. Promoting Holistic Well-being: Participants will have developed a holistic approach to BCST, recognizing the interconnectedness of vasomotion, visceral immunology, enteric nervous system, and evolutionary biology in promoting overall well-being. They will be able to deepen their support of clients by incorporating these learned skills into their practice.

About the educator

Prue Jeffries, CMT, RCST®, MSME/T is a Biodynamic Craniosacral Teacher and Continuum Teacher. In her personal practice Prue has worked extensively with the viscera from a dietary health and lifestyle perspective for decades in her athletic career and world travels. Prue  often collaborates with health professionals such as Registered Dieticians, Nutritionists and Integrative Doctors. Her original bodywork training and full-time practice focused on the application of Chi with manual visceral techniques to address imbalances within the body. She eventually transitioned her practice to one of deep listening and light touch for many years, when working with brain injuries, neurological disease, trauma and also gut and immune issues for children and adults before she entered Craniosacral Biodynamics She brings her experiential working knowledge and experience with latest science to dive into this exciting topic that can support practitioners and their clients.


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