
Exploring the nature of wholeness and health

Body of Wonder offers practitioner training programs in

NAIO™ holistic awareness process & Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy. 

Classes and workshops in Somatic Movement Education, private sessions and retreats are

 available to support living as full-bodied expressions of wholeness and wellbeing.

Body of Wonder explores how we can deeply embrace ourselves as a dynamic emerging process. How can we live as an open experience and infinitely creative continuum? Can we find ways to acknowledge and be with challenging situations by embodying the everyday sublime of our existence? 

We are not separate from nature, we are nature itself. We can live as full expressions of the interdependence and wholeness of Nature. Body of Wonder explores our intrinsic bio-intelligence, which can be seen as the orchestration and flow of life.

This flow is the very movements that emerged to conceive us, to conduct our embryological organization and development, and continues to create and sustain us into the beings we are in this very moment.

These movements of Nature are universal motifs, creative potency, swirling to form galaxies and planets, oceans and mountains, birds and flowers – and us. Body of Wonder explores bringing greater awareness to the natural creative genius that is orchestrating within our biology, embodying the flow of nature as a unique expression of health and life. A wonder that is sacred.

When we are living as flowing expressions of our Essential Nature, our Unity we feel nourished to embrace the vicissitudes and experiences of life ~ as we are the Embrace.

Flowing in the Wonder of Water

The unfolding of life is the flow of the sacred, expressed in our biology. We are an infinite process, in a continually dancing relationship of interdependence and wholeness within ourselves and the larger creation surrounding us.

Conditioning in the many forms it takes – physical, emotional, psychological, social and spiritual can seem to disrupt our sense of being, our wholeness, and health, interrupting our flow as waves and rhythms of Creations Ocean. Body of Wonder offerings support a sense of well-being and health.

About Prue Jeffries

Prue Jeffries spent 20 years as a Professional Surfer, she is founder of NAIO™ Holistic Awareness Process, and is also  a Registered Craniosacral Therapist (RCST®), a Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist (BCST), an Approved Teacher of Craniosacral Biodynamicsa Continuum Guide & Master Somatic Movement Educator (MSME). She blends together her life affinity with water and love of wellness, with rich life experiences for a deep understanding of the body as being.

Training Programs

Training Programs are available in 2023-2024 for NAIO™ Holistic Awareness Process and Craniosacral Therapy. The NAIO™ Practitioner Training is a comprehensive 900-hour certification program that supports participants in becoming finely tuned, sensitive and grounded somatic practitioners that work with the integrated whole of a person. A 2-year, 700-hour Craniosacral practitioner training program in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is also available.

Private Sessions

Private Sessions consist of an integrated blend; combining life experience and study into a spacious and gentle approach. Sessions are available in Prue’s own work she has developed – NAIO™ Holistic Awareness Process, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy and Continuum in person or via distance.


Body of Wonder retreats blend somatic education and embodiment practices inspired by nature and the heritage of each location, with wellness activities that can bring about a sense of deepening connection with oneself and life. Retreats in select locations are available for 2024.


NAIO™ holistic awareness process uses somatic education principles to support a greater sense of well-being and connection with life. It is a gentle meditative way of exploring ourselves through the understanding that we are a dynamic emergent process. By using gentle touch we connect internally to a deep-felt sense experience of the flow of life itself.

The Biodynamics of Craniosacral Therapy

BCST Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is a healing art that works with the energies that create and maintain health in the human system. While not a manipulative therapy, it has its roots in osteopathy and has evolved to include influences from human development, pre and perinatal psychology, trauma resolution, and recent advances in neuroscience to name a few.

Somatic Movement Education

Somatic Movement Education is a way to fully inhabit our life experience by connecting with the fluid origins of our bodies. The use of breath with attuned internal awareness and engagement with intrinsically generated movements, sensations and perceptions enhances the capacity for presence.

Education and Therapy Organization Memberships

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